The TOSAN Group will attend the Eighth E-Banking Conference and Payment Systems with numerous workshops and programs.Workshops and product introductions for the event will include the Bimeyar, Armaghan and Spanta, Plato, Netway, Smart Card, Capital adequacy, Anti-Money Laundering, and the Sikkuk system. The company`s experts will discuss the integrated platform for digital banking, open source platform Techstore electronics payments, the role and position of PKI in the e-banking system, marketing campaign management, anti-fraud and collection areas, a specific financial structure for supply chain management, and the valuation of encrypted currencies for workshops.The workshops on e-banking issues will also be the focus of the e-banking audience for the e-banking conference, and Bret King, a futuristic thinker and digital banking theorist this year, will also be invited to attend this conference as an advisor.On the sidelines of this conference, as in previous periods, a specialized exhibition to introduce the achievements of the country`s banking services provider in the field of electronic banking and payment systems, which also focuses on introducing the latest services and products to visitors.It is worth noting that the eighth Annual Conference of Electronic Banking and Payment Systems with the theme of Blockakin Revolution under the auspices of the Bank`s Central Bank`s Monetary and Banking Institutions and with the participation of industry activists will be held at the Center for the International Symposium of the Milad Tower on 29 and 30 January. Therefore, we are inviting you to visit TOSAN Group.

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