Plato Open Banking System

Customers need various applications to do their offline banking. Also, the type of application and taste of users in using programs are different from each other. In the production of programs, banks cannot respond to all the tastes and growing needs of their customers. In this situation, new innovative services can meet the needs of the bank and, of course, the needs of its customers.

Plato’s infrastructure has helped banks to expand the interactions between banks and startups and has reduced many of the technical and financial costs of banks. During this period, leading banks (in the field of providing financial services) have faced more requests from startups.

According to the needs of banks to manage the communication of startups and software companies, a special account has been created for banks to apply different settings under the name of Plato. These facilities cover the different needs of the bank to apply different settings and restrictions. By using these facilities, the business user of Plato is able to perform operations related to user and app management without the need of a system administrator, so that they can respond to the needs of their customers.

According to the image below, banking stakeholders can be categorized into four groups of customers, software developers, banks and financial institutions, and IT companies (colleagues/business partners).

بانکداری باز پلاتو

Beneficiaries of Plato

Information technology companies

Software developers


Banks and financial institutions

The new approach of open banking has created significant values for every group of people.

From the customers’ point of view, things like

  • Dramatically improve user experience while maintaining integrity
  • Access to a huge amount of applications related to banking and financial operations
  • Reducing time, increasing speed, accuracy and security in financial transactions
  • Taking advantage of innovative and exclusive applications
  • The possibility of connecting to the bank with any device such as mobile phone, laptop, etc

Due to making fundamental changes in the structure of banking programs and increasing intra-organizational and extra-organizational cooperation, the following can be mentioned as benefits for banks and financial institutions


Expanding the number and variety of mobile and web software that can be offered to customers and completing the bank’s product portfolio


Penetration in different businesses and creating a strong base in that business

•	استفاده از آخرین تکنولوژی های حوزه نرم افزار

Access to free software


Collecting fees from transactions carried out on this platform


Personalization of products and services


Attracting more customers and increasing their loyalty


Increasing the speed of responding to changing business needs and reducing the time it takes for banking products to reach the market


Increasing the quality of electronic bank services, both in terms of form and content and in terms of execution quality

From the perspective of developers (business partners), we can point to the following advantages


Ability to integrate with bank accounts and transactions through API


Strengthening the network effect, synergy and business development


Creating a specific competitive advantage over other competitors


Increase employment


Using a safe and secure platform to connect to the bank


Reduce support costs


Attracting new customers by providing banking services in their software

Information technology companies, as legal entities that cooperate directly with banks, have advantages such as

  • Optimizing operations management
  • Rapid compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Integrated development of services and business structures with other IT companies
  • Reducing research and development costs
  • Reducing the cost of integration and maintenance of new software
  • Increasing speed in responding to changing business needs